One of Life's greatest joy is having the company of our elderly loved ones with us whenever we get together as one big family.
Their presence bring to us a great sense of family completeness, and we want them to live happily and be active for as long as they can.
We pray that they will remain mentally alert and physically fit all the time, but we know in reality they will be more dependent of us as each day passes. Accidents can happen because they are now more vulnerable.
In a Straits Times article on 23rd Sept 2010, Changi General Hospital's A&E department reported a 20% increase in the number of elderly people who fell at home over the last two years.
70wood DIY Deck Tiles used in wet and slippery areas like the bathroom, balcony or outdoor veranda helps to eliminate the risk of the elderly falling.
Their presence bring to us a great sense of family completeness, and we want them to live happily and be active for as long as they can.
We pray that they will remain mentally alert and physically fit all the time, but we know in reality they will be more dependent of us as each day passes. Accidents can happen because they are now more vulnerable.
In a Straits Times article on 23rd Sept 2010, Changi General Hospital's A&E department reported a 20% increase in the number of elderly people who fell at home over the last two years.
70wood DIY Deck Tiles used in wet and slippery areas like the bathroom, balcony or outdoor veranda helps to eliminate the risk of the elderly falling.
Using 70wood DIY Deck Tiles as shower mats or even covering the entire floor with 70wood DIY Deck Tiles ensures that soapy water is drained away and absorbed, leaving only a dry and non-slippery surface.

Even with rather rough surface texture, ceramic tiles do not absorb water, which is the key agent that cause the floor to be slippery.
70wood tiles absorb water and at the same time the gaps in between tiles allow water to be drained away, so even if soap foam is present, it causes no serious threat.